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Your Guide to IIT DELHI MBA Admissions via CAT

Want to get into IIT DELHI DMS ? But first, you need to navigate the admissions process. This blog post will equip you with everything you need to know about securing admission to IIT DELHI DMS MBA program through the CAT exam.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The candidates must be having a bachelor’s degree or equivalent awarded by any of the universities incorporated by an act of the central or state legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India
  • The bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification possessed by the candidate must be of at least three years of education after completing higher secondary schooling (10+2) or equivalent
  • The candidates must have scored at least 60 percent marks in aggregate or 6.00 CGPA on a 10 point scale or equivalent in the qualifying degree
  • The IIT Delhi MBA eligibility criteria 2024 mentions that candidates belonging to categories like SC/ST/PwD will get a relaxation of 5 percent in marks (i.e. min. 55%) or equivalent in CGPA (i.e. min. 5.50 on a 10-point scale)
  • As per the IIT Delhi MBA admission eligibility criteria candidates who are appearing for the final year of bachelor’s the degree/equivalent qualification examination and those who have completed degree requirements and are awaiting results are also eligible to apply. If selected, such candidates will be allowed to join the program provisionally, only if she/he submits a certificate by a certain date
  • Candidates who apply to IIT Delhi MBA programs after qualifying for the CAT 2023 will be shortlisted and then will be invited for an online interview, which will be held at IIT Delhi and IIT Madras.

Application Process-

To know how to fill the application form for IIT Delhi MBA admission, check the following steps.

  • Visit the official website of IIT Delhi, dms.iitd.ac.in
  • Register by entering the necessary details
  • Login credentials will be created
  • Use the credentials created to re-login
  • Fill the application form precisely with all the necessary information
  • Pay the requisite application fee (non-refundable) in the modes of payment mentioned on the website
  • Download the application form and take a printout for future reference

CAT Cutoff and Selection Process:

Candidates have to give the CAT exam to get admission in the MBA program.

The registration process for CAT typically begins in the months of July-August. You can find all the details about CAT registration, exam dates, the application form, and the syllabus on the official CAT website (https://iimcat.ac.in/).

IIT Delhi MBA releases cut off scores for different categories of candidates. The table below provides the information for the expected IIT Delhi MBA cut off scores:

MBA ( Telecom)

These qualifying cut offs are CAT percentile required to be eligible for WAT-PI. Candidates must note that the final CAT cut offs could be higher.

Shortlisted candidates are called for WAT ( Writing Assessment Test) and PI. WAT assesses your writing and communication skills, while PI is an in-depth evaluation of your motivation, leadership potential, and suitability for the program.

The final consolidated admission score is formed by the following weightages:

1 CAT Score – 50

2 Graduation Marks– 4

3 Personal Interview – 25

4 Work Experience- 3

5 Extra curricular activities – 5

5 Academic Scores (10th, 12th,)-  3

6  WAT- 10

Fees and Specializations

IIT Delhi offers two MBA programmes, both of two years and the fee structure for the MBA program are-

Tuition Fees
MBA ( Telecom)


A total of 1,050 offers were made (including PPOs) during Phase I IIT Delhi placements 2024. Further, a total of 1,000 students were uniquely selected during IIT Delhi placements 2024 (phase 1). Apart from this, more than 50 international offers (including PPOs) were received from around 20 international companies during Phase I IIT Delhi placements 2024.  50 students have also received domestic offers with packages more than INR 1 crore per annum during IIT Delhi placements 2023. Apart from this, the highest international package offered during IIT Delhi phase 1 placements 2023 stood at INR 2.4 crore per annum.

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